Free bulbs and similar (pickup only)

Ellen Hornig
Thu, 13 Oct 2011 10:09:38 PDT
This is probably a futile offering, but here in Oswego, NY (45 minutes north 
of Syracuse) I have a lot of non-hardy summer-rainfall bulbs and corms, 
mostly South African, but including a bunch of beautiful Cyclamen graecum, 
all in pots, that are free for the taking.  They include assorted 
haemanthus, brunsvigia, nerines, some eucomis, some gladiolus species, and a 
few other things.  The catch is this: I don't have time to enumerate or 
discuss them, and I absolutely don't have time to ship them, so if you're 
interested you pretty much have to come and take a look.

By way of explanation: I'm getting ready to move to Shrewsbury, MA, and I 
can't take them with me.  If no-one adopts them, they're toast.

If you're interested, and are NOT going to plead special circumstances and 
ask me to make a list, ship, hold until, whatever, get in touch (PRIVATELY:  First come, first served.  The plants will thank you.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jane McGary" <>
To: "Pacific Bulb Society" <>
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2011 11:49 AM
Subject: Re: [pbs] The flowering desert

> In reply to Andrew's questions --
>>As the
>>one who pointed out here the early high rainfall in the Atacama a few 
>>ago I would love to hear how far north you ventured. Rains in that area 
>>very rare, possibly inducing the appearance of bulbs not seen for any 
>>Did you go as far north as Copiapo, or even as far north as Antofagasta?
>>Cacti such as Eulychnias amd Copiapoas and even some bromeliads persist in
>>those regions . If you went up there did you find rarely reported bulbs?
> We went as far north as Paposo (just north of Taltal). We had thought
> to go to Antofagasta but found lodging in Taltal so didn't have to
> drive so far. Paposo is a famous botanical
> "hot spot," which I had visited without knowing that at the time, in
> the previous moist year, 2002. I was in the area in 2008, not a moist
> year, and saw almost no bulbs or annuals in flower in the north,
> except a few Rhodophiala bagnoldii in a drip-irrigated olive grove.
> We also stayed in Copiapo, and we visited most of the notable parks
> and national monuments on our itinerary, as well as drives and walks
> described in "Flora nativa de valor ornamental, Zona Norte." I don't
> know about "rarely reported" bulbs, because the bulbous plants of the
> area are well known and not very numerous in terms of species, but I
> think we did see all the amaryllids we could expect in bloom, and a
> few of the earlier Alstroemeria species. It was a little early to see
> cacti in flower but there were a few just opening, in the genera
> Eriosyce, Eulychnia, Echinopsis, Copiapoa, and Cumulopuntia (I think
> I may still have a thorn of the last in my calf). Bromeliads seen
> were Puya chilensis, P. coerulea, and Deuterocohnia chrysantha. We
> were able to photograph a lot of color variation in Rhodophiala
> ananuca and R. bagnoldii, and also the less variable R. phycelloides
> and R. laeta. Also spectacular and variable were Leucocoryne
> coquimbensis, L. purpurea, and Zephyra elegans. Other geophytes seen
> included Tropaeolum tricolorum, T. brachyceras, T. azureum (very deep
> color forms), Oziroe biflora, Pasithea caerulea, Leucocoryne
> appendiculata, Pabellonia incrassata, Trichopetalum plumosum,
> Aristolochia chilensis, and Placea amoena. These mingled with a great
> number of colorful annuals and flower-covered sclerophyll shrubs, as
> well as cacti.
> For members like Andrew who live in southern California, not only
> these bulbs but also the annuals would be a terrific garden resource.
> One rarely sees, for example, the showy blue Nolana species or the
> annual Solanum species grown in gardens, but they're obviously quick
> to produce large, floriferous specimens.
> Jane McGary
> Portland, Oregon, USA
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