sending bulbs to Australia

Ann Shubin
Fri, 18 Nov 2011 05:14:20 PST
Hello Everyone,

I am new to this.
It is a very hot and warm day 37 in Adelaide, South Australia. This is our spring time and all of the bulbs are in bloom. It simply is beautiful.

I am also a Hippeastrum lover. I would like to know can bulbs be sent to Australia without causing a lot of problems with Customs.

I have gone to the PBS web site and there is a yellow one and many others I would like to get.

I am not aware of any one in Australia that has a yellow Hippeastrum.

I recently paid $140.00 for a Worley and I was told by many that was way to much.

I would love to have some in put into getting bulbs into Australia.

Thank Ann F. Shubin

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