Fwd: PBS website contact:lilium

ds429@comcast.net ds429@comcast.net
Tue, 31 May 2011 06:41:29 PDT

Query from the website: 

----- Forwarded Message ----- 
From: "uwe martin" <uwemar@gmx.de> 
To: ds429@comcast.net 
Sent: Tuesday, May 31, 2011 8:39:06 AM 
Subject: PBS website contact:///lilium/ 

I\'m looking desperately for the lily, lilium souliei as plant or seed. I would be very grateful if they can sell me a plant or some seeds. if not, they can call me, maybe someone can help me? 

thank you for answering a mail and greet with the best 

uwe martin 

Pacific Bulb Society web site 
email: website@pacificbulbsociety.org 

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