Some cool Gladiolus hybrids

Michael Mace
Sun, 06 Mar 2011 13:20:38 PST
Hi, gang.


The other day I was looking for some Gladiolus pictures online, and ran
across a Japanese website that has some pictures of first-generation hybrids
of South African Gladiolus species.  If you're a species bulb purist you
won't find this at all appealing, but to me it was very interesting to see
what happens when some of the species are crossed.  It's amazing how much
genetic variability there is in this genus.


Some of my favorites:


Gladiolus alatus x rogersii (elegant pink and purple flowers)…


Gladiolus rogersii x carneus (beautiful markings)…


Gladiolus bonaspei x hirsutus (fluorescent pink)…



Here's a link to a translated page listing all of the species and hybrids in
the author's collection (warning -- Mary Sue reports that this link does not
work in the Chrome browser):


Here is a link to the page in Japanese:…


I have not been able to figure out any information about the author, other
than that the home page is titled "Unisery."  If anyone has information on
the grower of these hybrids, I'd be interested.




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