Tocantinia mira
Mariano Saviello (Wed, 15 Jun 2011 16:25:43 PDT)

My dear Josh, Jim and all respected members of PBS
As far as I have read and talked with my FRIEND Piero Ravenna, Tocantinia mira is a monospecific genus (just one species, T. mira) that grows only in a small dry forest in the state of Tocantins (central Brazil), between river Araguaia-one of the largest rivers of Brazil-and river Tocantins.
According to Piero’s descriptions it is superficially similar to a Hippeastrum within Macropodastrum (those species with long, usually white or cream, trumpet shaped flowers), whose leaves reminds H. solandriflorum, but with some very primitive characters, such as small, thin and slightly rounded leaves. It grows during the spring-summer period and has a quite long dormancy in the autumn-winter months.
As far as I know Ravenna named this genus after a crumpled, trampled, finally deformed single specimen, and was never found another again, which could suggests that it was just a damaged Hippeastrum (for many Tocantinia growers, it looks exactly as a small form of H. puniceum). Anyway, there are not many reports of this genus (¿?), as Alberto slipped, and it was firstly (and probably solely) described by Piero Ravenna, who does not enjoy-according to many people, not by me-an obliged credibility. So it could remain a mistery, even a mith, or at least so until we can finally see a blooming T. mira.
My warmest regards from a cool and rainy Buenos Aires