Where Can I Buy Species Narcissus?

Kirby Fong kfong@alumni.caltech.edu
Thu, 02 Sep 2010 14:43:13 PDT

One source for species Narcissus is Nancy R. Wilson,
6525 Briceland-Thorn Road, Garberville, California 95542.
Her e-mail address is nwilson@asis.com.  She grows a lot
of species as well mainiature cultivars.  She grows them
in separate containers to make sure they don't get mixed
up and also to verify their identities before selling
them.  I don't think she has a web site.  She puts out
a list each year with the names and prices.  There is no
catalogue with pictures, so you have to know what you
want by its name.  Most of the species are small and
therefore suitable for container culture.

Jane McGary in Oregon has on occasion put out a list of
surplus bulbs for sale including a few species Narcissus.
I believe she got some of her species from Michael
Salmon in England when he was doing business as Monocot
Nurseries.  Michael Salmon used to go plant hunting in
Spain and Morocco for bulbous plants including Narcissus.
He grew them from seed in his nursery and shielded them
from bees so that he could pollenate them by hand to
keep them from hybridizing.  Unfortunately, his
nomenclature for Narcissus didn't always agree with
the names other experts were using.

Steve Vinisky of Cherry Creek Daffodils in Oregon had
offered N. viridiflorus at one time.  I don't think
it's listed on his web site, but you could ask if
he's got any to sell you.  N. viridiflorus is fall
blooming, so if you get any, you should plant them
right now.

     Kirby Fong

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