
mhach@ix.netcom.com mhach@ix.netcom.com
Mon, 20 Sep 2010 20:26:54 PDT
Leontochir seed is available from a number of online sellers - it is not too difficult from seed with my first plants flowering in 2-3 years from sowing. the older the plant he larger the flower clusters will get.The two caveats in growing it are respecting it's summer dormancy where it likes to be quite dry and growing it in a very gritty well drained mix. It prefers strong sunlight for the best growth but will tolerate some shade. There was a recent publication where the plant was transferred to the genus Bomarea but I don't know how accepted it that was by the taxonomic community. There is a very rare yellow form of the species as well. A beautiful plant well worth being sought out and grown by the more experienced grower.


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