
Floral Architecture
Fri, 17 Sep 2010 14:04:54 PDT
I have a fried in Akron, OH that has grown hundreds of them in all colors and 
has had them and bred them for years. He trialed growing them outside in the 
ground and they were root hardy. Unfortunately, they are not fast enough growers 
to get enough vine growth each summer to bloom before winter sets in.
I got a handful of his hybrids and tried them here in Camarillo and while they 
never grew, they didn't died immediately. They did not like my water and no one 
I know nearby wanted to try them so out they went as worm food. 

 John Ingram in Camarillo, CA, between Santa Barbara and L.A. "Your Clivia Connection"
New number >>> 805.914.9505 (cell, west coast time, please call accordingly. 
Thank you) 

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