Weedy oxalis

Mary Sue Ittner msittner@mcn.org
Tue, 23 Nov 2010 17:10:58 PST
Rodger's advice is very good.  It really does depend on where you 
live. But I do think having a note  on the wiki of what can be a 
problem in certain climates is very helpful. I'm very fond of Oxalis 
convexula which has succulent leaves and is very dainty, but don't 
usually have any to share with the BX and it certainly isn't weedy 
for me like it is for Andrew. But when I've had Oxalis make small 
babies like Andrew described, I've tossed them quickly. Oxalis obtusa 
shows up in a lot of my pots, but hasn't returned in the few 
experiments I made of growing it in the ground even though Lauw 
suggests doing this would not be a good idea. I don't know why it 
didn't do well in the ground when it can be pest in pots, but I have 
found that not every South African winter rainfall bulb does well 
growing in my garden. Some only survive in pots. alas. Oxalis 
purpurea which Diana Chapman once suggested would make a nice lawn is 
one in my Northern California garden that once planted out is 
difficult to get rid of. But I imagine in colder climates it might 
not return. And a friend who works in a garden setting said it 
depended on the variety whether of not it did too well in the ground. 
Oxalis pes-caprae is a menace in the wild where I live and in many 
other parts of the world, but probably not everywhere.

The legacy bulb pages on the wiki list plants that Kathleen Sayce 
found in her research had naturalized. Puttting all that information 
on the wiki took me many months and I didn't transfer the information 
she found to the genus wiki pages for the species she found as I 
didn't have time. That job is open for anyone who wants to volunteer 
to do it.

Mary Sue

Mary Sue Ittner
California's North Coast
Wet mild winters with occasional frost
Dry mild summers 

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