Ungernia sewerzowii

David Victor davidxvictor@btinternet.com
Mon, 29 Nov 2010 11:22:29 PST
Dear all,

I have posted to the WIKI some photos of this species in flower taken 
by me in the Tien Shan in July 2008.  On this journey I saw it 
several times at various altitudes, although travelling a very 
similar route three years previously I had totally failed to see it.

It is a striking plant, with very variable flower colours, but almost 
unknown in cultivation.  I don't find this particularly surprising as 
I have had seed several times and always failed to germinate 
them.  However, this year my luck seems to be turning, as I do have 
some early signs of germination on seed collected fairly 
recently.  Whether it is my technique or the freshness of the seed 
which determines success I don't know.  However, from what I have 
heard from the few people that I have traced who have grown this 
plant, flowering it is even more difficult than germinating the seed.

For those who may be interested further, I did write an article on 
the plant and my encounters with it for the RHS "The Plantsman" 
magazine, which was published in June 2009.

Best regards,
David Victor 

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