The IBC site seems to have some information for the varieties of each climate zone, does anyone have got it?

Nhu Nguyen
Sun, 25 Jul 2010 11:34:49 PDT
Hi Fierycloud,

The climate of Taiwan as I understand it is tropical in the south to
subtropical in the north with the mountains being colder. The south gets
summer rain and winter dry and the north is moist throughout. If you live in
the south, South African Eastern Cape bulbs could be good. Also try tropical
American bulbs like Hippeastrum, Zephyranthes, Habranthus, Griffinia, etc. I
hear that there are some successful Worsleya growers in Taiwan. Perhaps some
Mexican geophytes would grow well in the south. That's pretty general but if
you have more precise climate information the members of this forum could
tell you more.

Berkeley, CA

On Sun, Jul 25, 2010 at 3:14 AM, Fierycloud <>wrote:

> I just wonder if it have the information of the varieties for Taiwan?


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