OT Philesia magellanica vs Texas heat in the shade

Nhu Nguyen xerantheum@gmail.com
Sun, 03 Jan 2010 10:07:26 PST
Thanks for sharing that, Justin. I have heard that they can handle cold
weather but I didn't know about the heat. I am also fond of them and started
seeds last season like you did. My seedlings have not put out a new set of
leaves yet.

Berkeley, CA

On Sun, Jan 3, 2010 at 9:13 AM, Justin Smith <oothal@hotmail.com> wrote:

> Hi All,
> Though this is a bit OT I thought some of you might  like to hear that I
> have had 2 Philesia magellanica seedlings to not only survive being outside
> all last summer (though in full shade)  but both of them have started to put
> on new leaves. Those of you who don't know East Texas weather. It's hot,
> many days over 100F (37.8C) and very humid. Maybe these two little guys are
> more heat tolerant than most P. magellanica. I guess I will find out in the
> years to come.

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