SIGNA Seed Exchange - Slightly OT

James Waddick
Sun, 03 Jan 2010 14:57:09 PST

Dear PBS Friends,

	I know many of you are interested in Iris species of all 
sorts especially after our recent discussions on Candy Lilies and 
their relatives in the Iris Family.

	The Species Iris Group of North America (SIGNA) Seed Exchange 
for 2009 is now available on line. There are over 460 items 
available. Most of these are Iris species and selections, many wild 
collected. Other iris Family species are included.

	Please note that seeds are only available for members of 
SIGNA, but non-members can join at the time the order is placed. 
Please read the instruction for ordering. Full list and info at

	If you have any questions, please write to

				Thanks Jim & Jim, Co-chairmen
Dr. James W. Waddick
8871 NW Brostrom Rd.
Kansas City Missouri 64152-2711
Ph.    816-746-1949
Zone 5 Record low -23F
	Summer 100F +

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