Galanthus High Definition Movie (was Re: Snowdrops and summer heat/drought)

Knisely, Jonathan
Fri, 24 Dec 2010 06:59:28 PST
Roland de Boer pointed us to a delightful internet-available 25-minute movie on Galanthus that he had identified through its mention on the SRGS forum.  This particular version of the movie is in Dutch, which is far from comprehensible to me, but that didn't dissuade me from watching the whole thing, as it shows many of the cultivars that are scarcely available on this side of the Atlantic and which are so tempting when viewed as photographs on my computer's screen.  Seeing these named Galanthus cultivars dance in the breeze on my computer's screen is really delightful, and whetted my appetite.

At the completion of the movie, I looked at the other titles that had been posted by that director, and found the English language translation!  "Garden of Eden - Snowdrops in The Hidden Citygarden"

I felt that this movie was worth watching, even when I didn't understand what was being said; I'm planning on watching it again in English, with a pen and paper by my side so that I can note the ones that I'm going to try to seek out so as to establish colonies within my garden.  It's that good!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all who read this list.

Jonathan Knisely
New Haven, CT

Date: Thu, 23 Dec 2010 12:48:43 +0100
From: bulborum botanicum <>
To: Pacific Bulb Society <>
Subject: Re: [pbs] Snowdrops and summer heat/drought
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Here is a link to an Dutch spoken movie
from 25 minutes about snowdrops
its made in a Dutch garden
I found it on the forum from the SRGS


R de Boer
La Maugardiere 1

Tel./Fax 0033-232-576-204

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