Tropaeolum polyphyllum x nubigenum

Brian Whyer
Thu, 30 Dec 2010 05:30:09 PST

I bought a pot of this hybrid Tropaeolum last June, in what appeared to be near the end of the growth cycle. It more or less died back over summer. Last autumn growth recommenced and with the start of winter I kept it in the frost free greenhouse to protect the new growth. Some of this is now over a foot (30cm) long and I am wondering when it should grow and how long/wide it will get.
T. polphyllum I am familiar with but T. nubigenum from it suggests the growing season may be a moveable feast.
Somewhat dry areas where the drought may last 3 - 5 months. Precipitations of 400 - 800 mm. are concentrated in winter.

USDA Hardiness Zone 7, even 6b. The plant tolerates low temperatures (-15° C even -20° C), it can be covered by snow for months (1 - 8 months).

Can anyone suggest the best way of growing this plant, in or out of the garden 
Brian Whyer, Buckinghamshire, England, zone ~8 where the snow has been (temporarily) replaced by fog

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