minimum temp for Nerine?

Jim McKenney
Mon, 30 Aug 2010 15:30:37 PDT
This site

gives a slightly lower reading for Georgetown, Guyana (16.6).

Of the 13 sites given for South Africa, nine fall below the freezing point for 
their lowest ever recorded temperature and the others for which a low is given 
(two sites do not show a low and those same sites show very high highs) are just 
above the freezing point.

So in Nerine country the chances are that temperatures well below 17C are 

Recently I bought my sister a funny little book called Porn for Women (it's not 
even remotely pornographic). The book has page after page of hunky guys saying 
(improbable) things like "As long as I have legs you'll never have to take out 
the trash". I though the best one was one where they guy, as he is adjusting the 
thermostat,  is saying "Let's set the temperature permanently to TROPICAL." I 
live with my ninety-year-old mother and she is NEVER warm enough. If I put the 
air conditioning on, she opens doors and windows.  And this goes on as we endure 
a summer with a record breaking number of days with temperatures of 90 degrees F 
or more. 

Maybe we should think about moving to Singapore. 

Jim McKenney

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