Was weedy Alliums- now Allium ursinum

gentiaan bulborum bulborum@gmail.com
Sun, 04 Apr 2010 09:10:37 PDT
I was just surprised
my plants are almost in flower
I am a bulbgrower myself and see sometimes people with or without
any knowledge selling dead bulbs
specially the more tricky ones like Allium ursinum


2010/4/4 Russell Stafford, Odyssey Bulbs <odysseybulbs@earthlink.net>:
> They are very much alive -- and breaking ground.  We grow and handle
> bulbs in small quantities and so are able to give close attention to
> the trickier ones.  Some of the A. ursinum that are currently
> sprouting are the remainder of what we stored and shipped last
> year.  They were in storage for 2 to 4  weeks longer than the ones we
> shipped -- and are in perfect health.
> Russell
> At 11:22 AM 4/4/2010, you wrote:
>>Are they alive
>>look out most bulbs sold dry are to much dried in or have hartrot
> Russell Stafford
> Odyssey Bulbs
> PO Box 382
> South Lancaster, MA  01561
> 508-335-8106
> http://www.odysseybulbs.com/
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