How Do I Kill Ranunculus ficaria
Sun, 18 Apr 2010 21:38:02 PDT
I have some I don't want to kill, although some are appalled that I grow  
them. I bought three hybrids from Heronswood years ago and so far they have  
behaved themselves. One has a double yellow flower, another has a white 
flower,  and the third, named 'Brazen Hussy', has bright yellow flowers but 
bronze,  almost purple foliage. I can't imagine my garden iwthout a brazen hussy 
in  it!
I do keep my eyes on these three plantings, and they are in a perpetually  
damp spot, which they like, but they have not escaped from the bed yet.
And for those who like to call ranunculus ficaria "marsh marigold", I also  
have the true native marsh marigold planted in this area for comparison.  I 
 often lecture in this corner of the garden!
Bill Lee
SW Ohio

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