The Bulb Garden

Marguerite English
Sun, 25 Oct 2009 18:22:55 PDT
   The current issue of The Bulb Garden is in the mail.    If you are a 
member, and do not receive it in a timely fashion, please write Arnold 
Trachtenberg  ( ) for assistance.   This issue has 
some great articles.  There is one on alliums native to serpentine areas 
of California written by Nhu Nguyen, and one by Robert Werra on growing 
Moreas.  If you haven't joined the organization yet, there is still time 
to do so and get a copy of these informative articles with their 
beautiful pictures. 

   Since this is my last issue as editor, I would like to again thank 
those who have made the job easy and fun.  The co-editor is Jennifer 
Hildebrand.  Her creativity and attention to detail have significantly 
increased the attractiveness of the layout and content.  Arnold has been 
dedicated to getting the issues printed and mailed.  Thank you both.     
More importantly, the newsletter could not have been produced without 
the dedicated efforts of all the people who have contributed articles 
and photos for your pleasure.  Thank you all.

Finally, I want to introduce you to Jane Merryman ( )  
who is taking over as editor with the first issue of 2010.  Please make 
her welcome and help her by sending articles and ideas.  If you can 
think of a topic, a cartoon, a book review, or ?? that you would like to 
create, please write to her.                                   Marguerite

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