Dioscorea help

Hannon othonna@gmail.com
Wed, 06 May 2009 12:30:34 PDT

There is unfortunately no modern magnum opus on Dioscorea and it is
quite a large and rather poorly understood genus. There are a few
specialists (I know two of them) but they are restricted
geographically or to a certain section of the genus.

So, if you know where your plant is from you may discover a local
flora and find a name for it. But it sounds like you have names for
most of yours-- what information are you after?



On 06/05/2009, J. Agoston <agoston.janos123@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Dylan,
>  I got 1 from a botanical garden, they were so generous with me, cause I have
>  helped them with some "charity work". And from a wholesaler. I have D.
>  villosa from US. They have arrived with wild dug Trilliums, and D. caucasica
>  (female). They are hardy here. I have a few other plants from seed, but not
>  sure in the identity. I have noticed D. villosa from a batch of seedlings
>  between D. caucasica.
>  D. balcanica and D. bulbifera have died this winter, forgot to put them in a
>  frost free place, -10°C killed most of the tubers, but maybe D. balcanica
>  will resurrect. I try to plant them again. I try to get D. balcanica from
>  Macedonia, it is said to be native there.
>  I have new seeds, but they emerge after a cold winter, haven't sown yet.
>  Most of my plants from seed are now 3 years old, some started to make
>  inflorescences. And I'm trying to germinate Tamus communis, no success till
>  now.
>  We don't have so much climbing geophytes in commerce (Gloriosa, rarely
>  Sandersonia and ever rarer Littonia, but none of them are hardy).
>  Bye,
>  Jan
>  Z5a, Hungary
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