Pacific BX 192 - Oxalis results

Alberto Castillo
Thu, 12 Mar 2009 15:08:28 PDT
" I do keep my greenhouse a bit cooler than most, but above 
> freezing and we have shorter day length here in winter. I am glad to 
> see that they have all emerged and nearly all corms so far. I don't 
> expect to see any bloom this season, but after a good bit of growth 
> hopefully next winter they'll return to normal growth and reward me 
> with some flowers."



Hi Jim: 


         Many thanks for the useful information. Here these oxalis and very many other Cape species are grown at about 13-15 C at daytime and about 5 C at night. 


         A number of the bulbs were of flowering size so do not give up hope. As the weather turns hotter in Spring do not force them into dormancy, take them to a spot as cool as possible and with good light (not in full sun if it is too hot). This way they will keep on growing during your spring and summer before going dormant. This will happen the first season. In subsequent years they will sprout in autumn, flower in autumn and winter and go dormant in mid/late spring, for the summer. 


All the best and good luck



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