Drainage tiles

info@auchgourishbotanicgarden.org info@auchgourishbotanicgarden.org
Mon, 08 Jun 2009 02:36:32 PDT
I have often thought it would be nice to be able to access these for special projects but here in Scotland its impossible as everything for field drainage is now based on either coils of perforated plastic piping or rigid 3 or 6 metre length pipes, no fun. 

My only negative concerns might be the risk of cooking the roots in direct sunlight. As for frost I ran an experiment here this winter to test frost hardiness of dormant lilium species and these were all planted in soil based compost [John Innes # 3] inside of 7.5 and 10 Litre plastic pots under cover in a large polytunnell [hoophouse] circa 4 litres to a US gallon I think. The survival rate through prolonged periods of frost, eventually down to - 22 C rather blew out the water the writings of those stating certain species are tender green house projects. e.g. Lilium nepalense, which both as above and outdoors in a raised bed of similar soil cruised through with no losses in that species except for a few bulbs close to the raised bed edges of the out of doors lot. There were certainly some losses amongst the trumpet species group in the indoor polytunnel pots but a useful lesson was learned. 

I think Diane needs not worry too much, if at all in terms of frost loses provided drainage is completely secure should she try to utilise the pipes for lilies. I think it is becoming very apparent that drainage is the key for this genera regardless of where the winter temperatures can dip down to. I have Lilium longiflorum in three outdoor locations in the general areas of the Japanese gardens which have now come through three winters and are up again this year once more so I am putting it down to drainage and effectively overwintering dry-ish.


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