Verifying Zephyranthes names

Deborah Jordan
Mon, 26 Jan 2009 16:26:20 PST
Hi Jane--
I probably grow more of them than most (they are perfectly suited for my 
climate). I've cut and pasted your list--anything with no comment is an 
accepted species.

Zephyranthes atamasca
> Zephyranthes chichimeca--I've never seen or heard of this one
> Zephyranthes chlorosolen (native to TX)
> Zephyranthes citrina
> Zephyranthes drummondii (native to TX)
> Zephyranthes flavissima --really a variation of Z citrina
> Zephyranthes grandiflora
> Zephyranthes insularum ?--this is a real species, I have it
> Zephyranthes jonesii (native to TX)
> Zephyranthes katherinae this is real and an accepted name
> Zephyranthes lindleyana
> Zephyranthes longifolia
> Zephyranthes macrosiphon
> Zephyranthes morrisclintii--this is a real species
> Zephyranthes pulchella
> Zephyranthes refugiensis--this is probaly a syn for Z jonesii (native to 
> TX)
> Zephyranthes reginae --very common, also native to TX
> Zephyranthes rosea
> Zephyranthes simpsonii
> Zephyranthes smallii--also native to TX
> Zephyranthes texana = Habranthus tubispathus var texensi (bulbs of N 
> America book--this is what we call it in TX, there are 3 forms--H 
> tubispathus (yelloe) H tubispathus var roseus (kinda pink fading to 
> beigish-yellow), H tubispathus var texensi--very gold with pronounced 
> burnt orgish striations on the undersides 0of petals)
> Zephyranthes traubii --native to TX too (I think)
> Zephyranthes treatii = Z. atamasca var. treatii--a variation I've heard of 
> but not terribly familiar with, they aren't native here

I have pics of almost all of  these if you need them and am also a member of 
Houston, TX

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jane McGary" <>
To: "Pacific Bulb Society" <>
Sent: Monday, January 26, 2009 6:05 PM
Subject: [pbs] Verifying Zephyranthes names

> Hi,
> I'm working on a cumulative index to the NARGS journal and am trying
> to verify the validity of the plant names that have been cited over a
> period of many years. Internet searches are sometimes helpful,
> sometimes not (the great annoyance is that Google almost always comes
> up with a certain set of almost entirely useless websites that seem
> to have a capability of plugging in any species name that is searched
> with a genus name they have filed, whether they have any information
> on that taxon or not). The genus Zephyranthes is particularly
> difficult to fathom, so I'd like someone who knows the current
> thinking to look at the list below and tell me which names are
> validly published and accepted at this time, and, I hope, the
> synonyms for those that are not. Can you help? An authority and date
> for valid names would be much appreciated. I marked the ones that
> seem particularly problematic with question marks.
> Zephyranthes atamasca
> Zephyranthes chichimeca
> Zephyranthes chlorosolen
> Zephyranthes citrina
> Zephyranthes drummondii
> Zephyranthes flavissima ?
> Zephyranthes grandiflora
> Zephyranthes insularum ?
> Zephyranthes jonesii
> Zephyranthes katherinae ?
> Zephyranthes lindleyana
> Zephyranthes longifolia
> Zephyranthes macrosiphon
> Zephyranthes morrisclintii ?
> Zephyranthes pulchella
> Zephyranthes refugiensis
> Zephyranthes reginae ?
> Zephyranthes rosea
> Zephyranthes simpsonii
> Zephyranthes smallii
> Zephyranthes texana = Habranthus tubispathus?
> Zephyranthes traubii
> Zephyranthes treatii = Z. atamasca var. treatii?
> Thank you!
> Jane McGary
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