What a difference a 'day' makes

James Waddick jwaddick@kc.rr.com
Wed, 11 Feb 2009 07:04:05 PST
Dear Friends,
	About a week ago I wrote disdaining the use of the "B" word 
in my dull bloomless garden. Since then the thermal roller coaster 
has included single digits and 2 record highs (70 F and 68 F) a 
couple days apart, but more importantly to my gardener's sensibility 
the first rain in over a month. I hesitate to call less than 1/4 in a 
rain: a sprinkle or a wetting, but very brief.

	Yesterday a survey showed

	Many blooms on Crocus ancyrensis with golden flowers 
flaunting the brown surroundings.

	A very few Crocus sieberi 'Firefly' in a patch of hundreds 
yet to appear.

	A single Crocus sieberi 'Bowles White' so eager to put in a 
show that I see no sign of foliage, just a single wide open flower.
	A range of Galanthus from the reliable 'S. Arnott' and 
"Mighty Atom Not" (of Don Hackenberry) to some new cvs and species 
including an intriguing one with conspicuously wide foliage I'll have 
to track down an ID on.

	A few, but scattered Eranthis heimale struggling through dry 
earth, but braving a bright show of yellow.

	Adonia amurensis have emerged and await the next signal to 
open fully.  Various Lycoris species are showing the tips of foliage 
in very healthy green shade.

	A large specimen of the Witch Hazel H. 'Pallida' went from a 
single insignificant bud showing color to a dusting of flowers across 
the substantial shrub.

	Narcissus 'RES' * is up and a few show color in emerging buds.

	Quite a re-birth in an otherwise dead looking garden 
landscape. Last night we had a 'real' rain. No working rain gauge, 
but obviously well over 1/4 to 1/2 inch of rain and still seen as 
puddles on concrete.

	The forecasts showing nights dipping into the teens and I 
suspect we have not seen the last of the single digit weather yet, 
either, but these few stalwarts provide incentive and inspiration for 
the coming of spring.

	Vive la difference !		Best	Jim W.
Dr. James W. Waddick
8871 NW Brostrom Rd.
Kansas City Missouri 64152-2711
Ph.    816-746-1949
Zone 5 Record low -23F
	Summer 100F +

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