cold weather miscellany

Kenneth Hixson
Wed, 09 Dec 2009 13:06:34 PST
Lows of plus 9F and plus 10F on two consecutive nights probably
sounds like spring to some list members, but after these temperatures
here, the following:

Ixia, mixed hybrids, both flowering size and seedlings--unhurt
Gladiolus tristis--unhurt
Gladiolus papilio--was dying down, but still with some green--
	still fine.
Gladiolus Boone, given to me last spring and dying down--unhurt.
Crocosmia Emberglow--tips of leaves were browning off, still unhurt
Amaryllis belladonna--planted against buildings, tips of leaves
	frosted, still green where they come out of the bulb.
Crinum--flowering size, all frosted.  Seedlings in the ground and
	in raised beds, some almost OK, others frosted. C. bulbispermum
	seedlings showing blue-green foliage almost unhurt.
	Germinating seedlings in two gallon pots under the patio roof-
	but otherwise unprotected--were unhurt.
Lily seedlings in flats in the patio--frosted but still green.  Others
	in gallon pots (or larger) outside are gone.
Triteleia--didn't check the label, ?peduncularis?, ?laxa?--up about
six 		inches--unhurt
Bloomeria crocea seedlings with tips of leaves up--unhurt.  Some sources
	rate this as only hardy to plus 20F.  Not so.
Anemonee hortensis--leaves were up, are frosted but may recover.

	I took the hummingbird feeders down in October when the honeybees got
too thick, put them back up when I saw more hummingbirds.
Yesterday morning the feeder was frozen solid, I microwaved it until
it thawed out.  By 11 AM there were two hummingbirds fighting at the
feeder.  This morning there was one sitting in a shrub nearby by 8 AM.
They must be able to hibernate overnight?

	Thank goodness for global warming--think how cold it would have
been otherwise--when I was in high school, the argument wasn't whether
or not another ice age was beginning, but whether or not we were already
in the next ice age.  Please don't tell me I missed the ice age?


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