Quick results from garden glads

Jim McKenney jimmckenney@jimmckenney.com
Wed, 05 Aug 2009 06:28:47 PDT
June was so busy this year that I spent little productive time in the
garden. I was still digging tulips right through the month. The summer
blooming bulbs go in after the tulips are dug, and this year most were not
planted until the last week of June. These summer blooming bulbs include a
rag-tag assortment of Oxalis, Sprekelia, Zantedeschia, Dahlia, Zephyranthes,
Habranthus, Hymenocallis and other odds and ends. This year I binged on
garden glads to get an idea of what is going on in the glad world these


In our climate it does not always pay to try to keep gladiolus going from
year to year because to do so allows populations of thrips to build up. Past
experience suggests that late planted glads are particularly vulnerable to
thrips.  So I generally grow them for a year or two and then, it the thrips
get out of hand, discard the corms, wait a few years, and then start again. 


This year these late planted glads are giving me a surprise: the first ones
are already in bloom – and they were planted only about five weeks ago!
Books give various timings for the time from planting to bloom in glads, and
the shortest timings I remember seeing were about sixty days. So this first
blooming batch came in in about half that time. The cultivar in question is
the one known as Nanus Halley (or just ‘Halley’). A glad cultivar of this
name was in cultivation during the 1920s; its catalog description (“delicate
salmon-pink”) suggests that it might be the same thing. The flowers of
‘Halley’ in my garden from a distance appear to be white, but when examined
closely they can be seen to be delicately suffused with orange and pink.  


Jim McKenney


Montgomery County, Maryland, USA, 39.03871º North, 77.09829º West, USDA zone

My Virtual Maryland Garden http://www.jimmckenney.com/

BLOG! http://mcwort.blogspot.com/


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