garlic -- reply to Jim McKenney

Sat, 01 Aug 2009 15:52:28 PDT
> FYI:  I have heard that hard-neck garlic is commercially grown in the
Hudson River Valley, and widely available in the Northeast.  It is also, I
understand, the basis for the garlic festival there.  I am told that it is
preferred by chefs.  Here in California it is occasionally available in
specialty stores; most of our garlic, red or white, is the soft-neck type
from Gilroy.  One thing everyone should look for is spring garlic at
farmer's markets.

Having lived one ridge over from the Hudson River valley for 30 years and
friends with a commercial organic garlic and daylily grower, I can vouch
that they also grow the softneck varieties, mostly Polish White (New York
White) and S+H Silverskin.

Here in NC,  I prefer Nootka red, Music and Chesnook red.

Mark Mazer
Hertford, North Carolina USA
Zone 7b-8

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