finding bulbs in the strangest place

Justin Smith
Tue, 07 Apr 2009 18:31:43 PDT
Hi all,


Last week I had asked my dad to get me a couple of bags of mulch when he went to town. When he came back he had bags of organic humus. Not exactly what I wanted but I had to find some use for it. While putting some around some small fruit trees I noticed something green come out of the bag. When I picked up the green item it was a leaf and was attached to a bulb. I have no clue as to what it is but it struck me that it was a strange way to aquire new bulbs. 


I was wondering if anyone else out there has found bulbs in very unusual places.


My Alophia drummondii are sending up buds and my Herbertia lahue are just about done for the year.



Woodville, Tx 8b/9a

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