Channeled ?

Thu, 30 Oct 2008 18:46:54 PDT
Yes, a keel is the "positive" compliment to a "negative" channel or groove.

I believe channeled or canaliculate refers to a sort of linear
excavation of a surface, without any differentiation of tissue. This
may be narrow and more easily felt than seen (some Albuca and
Ornithogalum species for example) or broad as in the Crinum example.
Most bulbs that are monocots have leaves more or less channeled near
the base, where it meets the bulb, but the term/s are generally used
where it represents an atypical condition (channeled vs. flat leaves).
Where the "channels" are caused by robust venation, as in Tigridia and
Babiana, the terminology (e.g., plicate) usually emphasizes the veins
or ribs rather than the channels.

Dylan Hannon

On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 4:38 AM, Don Journet <> wrote:
> Does not keeled really refer to the underside side of the leaf? Although
> the two conditions would often go together.
> Don Journet
> rnold Trachtenberg wrote:
>> I have seen the term "keeled" used to describe something similar.
>> Arnold
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