Cyclamen notes

Jim McKenney
Sat, 18 Oct 2008 12:40:24 PDT
I was in one of the big box stores the other day and noticed a table full of
blooming Cyclamen persicum.  I went over to take a look and when I got over
them a really pleasant fragrance became apparent. I picked a red one up,
took a sniff, and got a whiff of something unpleasant. Then I tried a pink
one – same stink. Finally I tried a white-flowered one: wonderful! 

I suspect that this plant has a potential life-span inside the house to be
measured in hours. So it’s outside for the time being. It will probably
spend the winter in the cold frame, although it’s pretty big for that space.

The only other cyclamen in the frame is Cyclamen cyprium – and it’s just
barely showing signs of renewed life now. This Cyclamen cyprium I raised
from seed – in a sense. Several years ago John Lonsdale came down and spoke
to our local rock garden group. He brought some plants with him, among them
one Cyclamen cyprium which came home with me. Sometime later the plant
croaked; I was very busy at the time and did not even have the time to tidy
up the frame and throw away the pot. It’s a good thing: eventually, a
cyclamen seed germinated in that pot. I transplanted it from the pot to the
ground in the cold frame, and it’s been there since.  Is it Cyclamen
cyprium? I don’t know – it has not yet bloomed for the first time. It made
good growth last year and I was expecting bloom this year; but so far no

That newly purchased white-flowered plant of Cyclamen persicum is loaded
with buds. If it doesn’t freeze in the frame, I’ll bet it will be blooming
into the new year. 

Jim McKenney
Montgomery County, Maryland, USA, 39.03871º North, 77.09829º West, USDA zone
7, where Biarum tenuifolium is blooming. 
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