Wed, 07 May 2008 12:17:21 PDT
On 7 May 08, at 9:36, Diana Chapman wrote:

> I don't know how to upload to the wiki, but I have just posted a
> picture of a pink flowered Camassia leichtlinii on my blog:
>  Has anyone ever seen a pink flowered
> Camassia before?  Mine originated in Oregon, and apparently the parent
> population was wiped out by road widening.

I once saw a "pink" Camassia in  local park, but the hour was late, 
the sun low, and the light reddening, so just HOW pink it was, I do 
not know. It could have been either C. leichtlinii subsp. suksdorfii 
(the common large blue-violet camas found in the Puget Sound & 
Georgia Strait region) or C. quamash, the smaller one.

If this "pink" camas I saw (or perhaps hallucinated) really was a 
pink, I suspect it was a rather dirty color. Camas seems to have two 
pigments which in combination give the deep violet common form, a 
blue and a dirty pink.

Oddly enough, white- and pale blue-flowered forms are fairly common 
if you sniff around odd corners of the city, but heaven help you if 
you are so foolish as to bring these into your garden: they have the 
same propensity for abandoned self-sowing that Hyacinthoides does.

And, worse, the bulbs go down to China and are very difficult (sc. 
impossible) to eradicate once established.

Rodger Whitlock
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Maritime Zone 8, a cool Mediterranean climate

on beautiful Vancouver Island

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