Faciation in Lilium

Iain Brodie of Falsyde auchgourishbotgard@falsyde.sol.co.uk
Fri, 20 Jun 2008 12:24:26 PDT
Thanks to those responding on this, hopefully any other experiences will come to light, they will certainly be acknowledged appropriately in the book's text.

Interestingly the question of over fertilising is I believe not an aspect in this instance as all nutritional input has been carefully monitored across the collection as par of the research project, unless of course this taxon is inordinately sensitive. I will however check the frost aspect as I have been recording min-max since 1st February but all taxa are under the same regime in the polytunnel based on the need to compare eggs with eggs. It should be possible to relate onset of growth above ground to the temperatures and see if that gets me anywhere. Meantime my L. parvaum are rather on the young side so I will watch them  closely as they progress next year.

Thanks to all once again and if it has been noted in any of the other genera being covered, Cardiocrinum, Nomocharis and Notholirion that would be interesting too should it have been recorded amongst these by anyone.


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