Summer treatment of Nerine sarniensis

Laura & Dave
Mon, 14 Jul 2008 12:18:15 PDT
In a responce from Jim Shields to this tipic he mentioned:
"I guess I should probably spritz them lightly with water once or twice 
before autumn comes."

I've been experimenting (no controls, yet) with keeping these and other 
summer dormant plants plump by  bottom watering potted plants, but 
strictly limiting the amount of water so that only the lowest part of 
the soil gets the water.  The idea is that the roots will take up the 
water, but the bulb itself remains in dry conditions.  This so far has 
had encouraging results.  Just one more thing to add to growing complexity!

Dave Brastow - 7A (Tumwater, Washington) : Finally into summer, after 
our traditional rainy 4th of July. 

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