Pot Sizes, was Re: storage of summer dormant bulbs

totototo@telus.net totototo@telus.net
Wed, 09 Jul 2008 11:06:59 PDT
On 9 Jul 08, at 12:10, J.E. Shields wrote:

> . . . in plastic pots (1/2-gal. = 5.5 in. sq. X 6 in. deep;  1-gal. round
> black plastic; 2-gal. round black plastic = 22 cm diameter X 22 cm deep). 

The volumes stated are nominal.  The calculated volumes are:

5.5×5.5×6"		3 liters (0.8 US gallon)

"1 gallon" if it's the same as we call by that name here, round, typically 153 
mm top diameter, 135 mm bottom diameter, 175 mm height

				2.9 liters (0.8 US gallon)

"2-gallon"		8.4 liters (2.2 US gallon)

The pot usually called 2-gallon here is typically 198 mm top diameter, 170 mm 
bottom diameter, and 211 mm height, with volume of 5.6 liters, 1.5 US gallons.

May I put in a plea for consistently using metric measurements of pots instead 
of a dog's breakfast of various units and nominal sizes? The subscribers to the 
PBS mailing list come from all over the globe and outside the US, sizes in 
inches and gallons do not communicate meaning efficiently.

I've been gradually measuring the various sizes & brands of pots I use and 
calculating their volumes. Many of the actual volumes are a good 30% less than 
the nominal volume; enough to be a pain if you are trying to figure out how 
much soil to mix in order to fill them.

Rodger Whitlock
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Maritime Zone 8, a cool Mediterranean climate

on beautiful Vancouver Island

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