Oxalis purpurea 'Garnet'

Leo A. Martin leo@possi.org
Tue, 26 Feb 2008 13:27:50 PST
Jim McKenney wrote

> ...Oxalis purpurea 'Garnet'.... Initially... was grown
> in a pot; but it did not flower freely there,
> so I set it free in the soil which forms the bed of
> the cold frame.
> This plant has so-far proven to be a shy bloomer here,
> although the few flowers it has produced have been gorgeous.

It blooms well for me in plastic 3.25" square "rose pots" of the sort
commonly used for cacti and succulents. Also in 20-ounce styrofoam cups,
low and wide ceramic dish-type pots, tiny 2" diameter ceramic pots and
boxes commonly used to store sweaters during the summer.

I suspect it's the amount of winter sun they get here. My plants have no
greenish tinge to them at all. Also, it is a late bloomer; mine aren't in
bloom yet this year.

Leo Martin
Phoenix Arizona USA

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