Winterflowering Kniphofias

Kenneth Hixson
Wed, 27 Feb 2008 05:20:39 PST
Lauw de Jager wrote:
> Dear all,
> This year  we have a brillant example of a winterflowering Kniphoffia: K
> rooperii. 
    I got my K. rooperi from a catalog of a firm with the initials T&M.  
I don't know
if they are actually K. rooperi, they are slightly variable, though do 
not resemble
other Kniphofia closely.  Here, they are not even slightly early, 
flowering after the
hybrids.  I'd be interested in hearing if they continue to flower in 
winter after a couple
more years.  The plants did weather our winter cheerfully, lustily.  
Bright, attractive
green leaves now.  The low this winter was only +14F, so perhaps that 
doesn't say much.

Ken, Oregon

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