Forums vs. Listserves

Kelly Irvin
Thu, 14 Feb 2008 14:12:44 PST
In my vision, the ideal forum would act like a listserv ;) That may 
sound tongue and cheek, but I'm quite serious. I used a forum by 
Discusware, which tried to do both, but alas, very recently, it quit 
working on the servers I use due to new folder permissions rules. It 
allowed reply by e-mail, but you still had to be subscribed to every 
forum. It also took into account math and science symbols. Still the 
forum was very proprietary, and you had to keep "subscribing" for 
upgrades and tech support. I've moved on over to phpBB which is free and 
can be very robust with free modifications, but I'm not aware of an 
ability to reply by e-mail (I'll have to check into that for myself).

The great advantage to a forum would be an ability to isolate your 
interest. Instead of having to weed through subject headings from all 
over the board, you could pare it down to the "I'm most interested in" 
topics. Another great advantage would be searching features. The 
listserv setup seems a bit disjointed in that respect. Finally, instead 
of having to send people to the wiki for image identification or other 
quick response type requests using images, it can be attached with the 

So far, I've not seen a great combination of the advantages of both 
forms of communication. In my mind, an ideal would be a forum setup for 
which its members could choose to participate solely by e-mail. In the 
end, though, you would be having to maintain your forum as much as you 
have to maintain the WIKI, and that could be overwhelming. A lot less 
admin hassles with listserv I would suppose.

Hi, Udai. Hope you, Satyam, and families are well.

Mr. Kelly M. Irvin
10850 Hodge Ln
Gravette, AR 72736
USDA Cold Hardiness Zone 6a/b

Robt R Pries wrote:
> I tend to agree with Boyce and Jim.

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