Gratitude list correction/Request for thanking ibiblio

Mary Sue Ittner
Fri, 26 Dec 2008 15:45:28 PST

I'm embarrassed to say that I did not see when I proof read my note of 
things I'm grateful for that I had written Diane Foulis instead of Linda. 
Just because they both live in Canada is no excuse. I'm sorry Linda. Diane 
Whitehead helps me with the list; Linda Foulis withe the wiki.

These are times of increasing budget challenges so it is important that the 
people who make the choices for how to spend budget money know that 
ibiblio's support of groups providing information to the world is 
appreciated.   As the ibiblio leader said today in a message to many of us 
who direct something they host:
"We, you and ibiblio, offer granular bits of everything to everybody in the 
world; that is our strength and your gifts, a combined independently 
managed set of miscellanies for a loosely connected world."
Ibiblio is funded by contributions and from funding from the School of 
Journalism and Mass Communication and  the School of Information and 
Library Science at the University of North Carolina and from the University 
itself. It would be wonderful if any of you were so inclined to send a note 
to any of these people listed below thanking them for providing funding to 

Jean Folkerts, Dean of Journalism and Mass Communication
Phone: (919) 962-1204
120 Carroll Hall
Campus Box 3365
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3365

Jose-marie Griffiths, Dean of Information and Library Science…
Phone: (919) 962-8363
103 Manning Hall 	
Campus Box 3360
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3360
Note: She is stepping down soon, but she has been very supportive.

Holden Thorp, Chancellor of UNC - Chapel Hill or
Phone: (919) 962-1365
103 South Building
Campus Box 9100	
Chapel Hill, 27599-9100

Mary Sue

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