Sinningia seed from BX

Leo A. Martin
Tue, 12 Aug 2008 17:06:02 PDT
Hello All,

In response to the request for followup on Sinningia seed donated by Tsuh
Yang Chen to BX 172....

On July 20 I planted the S. amambayensis and S. reitzii I received.

I also found and planted what was left in a packet of S. bulbosa he
donated way back in PBX 61, May 2004. The bulbosa didn't sprout for me the
first time. I stored it under bad conditions... just in a box my house,
where it is above 85 degrees for six months and around 50 degrees for six

I used a 90% perlite - 10% potting soil mix in 6 ounce styrofoam cups, got
the soil good and wet with tap water, drained it in the sink overnight,
sowed the seeds on the surface, sprayed with tap water, put the cups in
zip baggies, and put them under fluorescent lights.

All three species sprouted on 8-8-8. I've never sprouted gesneriad seed
before so this is an interesting challenge.

Leo Martin
Phoenix Arizona USA

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