Rhodophiala bifida

Mary Sue Ittner msittner@mcn.org
Fri, 07 Sep 2007 08:45:01 PDT

Patty and I traded some bulbs. She sent me some of her Rhodophiala that are 
so happy in Central Texas and they are not happy in coastal northern 
California. I don't even know if they are still here. If Bob Werra can 
bloom them and I can't, it could be heat in summer they need. I don't know 
if it cools off at night in Ukiah where Bob lives as much as it does here, 
but it is definitely hotter during the day.  Jim McKenney was amazed when I 
sent him some pictures of a kite festival one July weekend and he saw 
people bundled up in jackets and hats (during the day). It generally cools 
off at night a lot here too (although we've just had a few warm nights.) 
There aren't a lot of people sitting out around their barbecues outside at 
night where I live like happened when I lived in Texas.  Late afternoon 
picnics and concerts can turn cool as evening descends and people bring 
blankets and warm clothes just in case they are needed. And I suspect 
Patty's dry areas may not be as dry as mine. I have mostly sandy soils so 
by August after 3 or more months without any rain and only fog for 
precipitation the soil where they are planted has to be bone dry. I think I 
need to add this to most rainlilies that I can't get to bloom either. I 
forgot to mention in my earlier post that the Amaryllis belladonna and 
hybrids have been really nice this year and I know that not everyone can 
grow them. If Rob in Tasmania can get Rhodophiala bifida to bloom it will 
be more moisture in summer they need since he gets year round rainfall, but 
has moderate temperatures too. I got to see some Rhodophialas blooming this 
spring in Diana Chapman's large green houses where the temperatures are 
quite warm during the day.

Mary Sue

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