[SPAM] Re: Source of Eremurus spp.

Linda Foulis lmf@beautifulblooms.ab.ca
Sun, 28 Oct 2007 18:27:28 PDT
John, http://www.gardenimport.com/ has one type in right now, Ruiter hybrid OASE.
But you would probably have the additional cost of a phyto.  Highly
recommend this place, I've ordered from them for years and I still have
every single plant I've ever purchased from them.  Expensive though.

Jim, when you say kept dry in the summer, do you mean not a drop of water,
bone dry, not even a smidge of rain, and certainly no watering from me?
I've started e. robustus from seed and this will be their first winter in
the ground.  I'm of the theory that if it's started from seed it will be a
tad hardier.  Wishful thinking is probably more like it.  I plan to cover
them with chicken wire, leaf mulch and then another layer of chicken wire.
Snow cover is also wishful thinking the last couple years so I'm thinking
more of the temperature swings with the chinook winds.  They sprout in the
fall, like muscari?  That's not in the books.
I know our climates our night and day, but when do you expect to see yours
in the spring?

Linda Foulis
Okotoks, AB

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