Nerine culture; was RE: What promotes blooming?

Sun, 14 Oct 2007 21:23:55 PDT
Here is another article which might help. But it's
just a cache files.(The seconed link is the cache.)……

Here is the some conclusion maybe someone would be
interested in.

"The duration between flower or inflorescence
initiation and anthesis
varies greatly between genera (Table 1.3). Amaryllis
belladonna, Hae-
manthus/Scadoxus, Hippeastrum, Leucojum, and Nerine
require a min-
imum of 12 months to differentiate and develop an
inflorescence. For
the other genera, the period is less than 12 months.
In Haemanthus/Sca-
doxus ‘König Albert’, the youngest floret is at
“Stage G” in late summer,
six months after inflorescence initiation, but during
the remainder of the
cycle (9 to 10 months) limited development takes place
(Peters 1971).
In hardy Narcissus, the period from initiation to
“Stage Pc” is only 2 to
3 months (Cremer et al. 1974). However, to reach
anthesis requires eight
more months. In Hippeastrum, the time to reach “Stage
G” (VI) is only
three months (Blaauw 1931), while in Leucojum aestivum
it is only two
months (Luyten and Van Waveren 1938).
In Amaryllis belladonna (Hartsema and Leupen 1942),
(Blaauw 1931), and N. bowdenii (Theron and Jacobs
1994a), reproduc-
tive development begins immediately after the
initiation of the last leaf
primordium. In contrast, with Galanthus nivalis
(Luyten and Van Wav-
eren 1952), Haemanthus/Scadoxus ‘König Albert’
(Peters 1971), and
Lycoris species (Mori and Sakanishi 1977), several
months occur
between the initiation of the last leaf primordium and
inflorescence ini-
tiation. In all genera reviewed, the new vegetative
cycle begins imme-
diately after the initiation of the flower or
The average number of appendages in a vegetative cycle
of the bulbous
Amaryllidaceae varies greatly. In Amaryllis
belladonna, it is 11 (Hart-
sema and Leupen 1942), 3 in Galanthus nivalis (Luyten
and Van Wav-
eren 1952), 15 in Haemanthus/Scadoxus ‘König
Albert’ (Peters 1971), 4
in Hippeastrum (Blaauw 1931), 7 to 8 in Leucojum
aestivum (Luyten and
Van Waveren 1938), 5 to 10 in Lycoris (Mori and
Sakanishi 1977), and
6 to 10 in Nerine bowdenii (Rees 1985d; Theron and
Jacobs 1996a).
The genera bear inflorescences consisting of 1 to over
100 florets
(Table 1.4). The number, and in some cases flower
size, is dependent on
bulb size. These florets are very often arranged in
two bostryces. How-
ever, some species have florets that are not arranged
in this manner.
Genera that originate in climatic regions with dry,
warm summers,
e.g., Amaryllis belladonna, Narcissus spp., Nerine
sarniensis, and N.
flexuosa, require warm storage temperatures during
summer (Table 1.7)."

I thinks that:
And the temperature range and length which is
sufficient are also very important.
Just as the lilium bulbs in a temperature around 0-5
degree C need 2-3 month(By variety) to break dormancy.
But in the natural environment, the temperature
periods which below the 0 C will freeze all activities
(lengthen the time to wake up) and the temperature too
high will cause a  reverse action such as
devernalization. Not only the major temperature range
is sufficient, but also the extreme periods are also a

Fierycloud, Taiwan (USDA Z11+, AHS Z12+)

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