California Horticultural Society program on Nov.19

Bob Rutemoeller
Fri, 16 Nov 2007 16:00:30 PST
Diana Chapman of Telos Rare Bulbs is giving a program on Treasures of the 
Andes- Bulbs of South America.

For those in the SF Bay area, there is an interesting program next Monday 
November 19th. Pre-meeting walk at 4PM in Strybing Arboretum. No host 
dinner at 5:30 nearby Park Chow Restaurant (1240 Ninth Ave). Meeting is at 
7:15pm at San Francisco County Fair Building at 9th Ave. and Lincoln Way in 
San Francisco.

See:  current programs and November 
newsletter for more info.

I'm sorry that Mary Sue and I will have to miss it as we need to attend a 
hearing in Fort Bragg and that makes a five-six hour round trip to SF's 
Golden Gate Park too difficult in the same day.

I hope that some of the PBS members living nearby will have a chance to 
hear and meet with Diana.


Bob Rutemoeller  

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