T clusiana

John Grimshaw j.grimshaw@virgin.net
Tue, 13 Nov 2007 22:22:01 PST
I think that the important point in the discussion of Tulipa clusiana is 
that the plant that has been known in horticulture by this name for four 
centuries is a sterile clone that spreads by stolons, presumably the 
pentaploid mentioned by Ben Zonneveld. It is naturalised in the 
Mediterranean. To my mind it seems certain that this was an old Ottoman 
selection that has been spread around because of its vigour and ease of 
propagation. It is sad that within the past few years it has lapsed from 
commercial cultivation in Holland: a stock I had last year that was 
proclaimed to be the 'real thing' was a substitute of very similar 
appearance, but larger in the flower, a slightly different shade and also 
fertile. All horticultural references to T. clusiana prior to recent years 
refer to this single clone.

The wild populations - formerly known as T. stellata and T. chrysantha - are 
from much further east and are normally variable, reproducing by seed. They 
have given rise to several cultivars available in the trade.

John Grimshaw

Dr John M. Grimshaw
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----- Original Message ----- 
From: "B.J.M. Zonneveld" <B.J.M.Zonneveld@biology.leidenuniv.nl>
To: <pbs@lists.ibiblio.org>
Sent: Monday, November 12, 2007 10:32 AM
Subject: [pbs] T clusiana

>T clusiana indeed range from diploid to pentaploid. I don't know if they
> are in mixed populations. Only the pentaploid seems to have expanded as
> far as Spain due to the fact it makes stolons. I suppose the diploid ( T
> aucheriana) does not make stolons.
> It is for sure that T clusiana has not contributed anything ( despite
> some suggesting otherwise) to the gesneriana type cultivars of today.
> They cannot be crossed and differ strongly in nuclear DNA content

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