Early Daffodil

Judy Glattstein jglatt@hughes.net
Mon, 26 Mar 2007 09:52:13 PDT
I don't know of any "January Gold" but for sure 'Rijnveld's Early 
Sensation' is the first daffodil to flower in my garden. Typically it 
will open its big yellow trumpets in mid-February here in New Jersey, 
whereas 'February Gold' waits until March. 'Rijnveld's Early Sensation' 
was in bloom in December 2006, frozen down, and there are a few pathetic 
yellow buds now struggling at the top of mushy brown stems. But this was 
an adverse winter for both plants and people.

There's also 'Cedric Morris' but he is A) miniature and B) expensive.

Judy in New Jersey where lots of Galanthus, masses of Leucojum vernum, 
smoky purple drifts of Crocus tommasinianus, swatches of golden Eranthis 
hiemalis and a few white ghosts of E. pinnatifida have convinced me that 
Spring is indeed returning.

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