Sprekelia dormancy question

David Ehrlich idavide@sbcglobal.net
Mon, 01 Jan 2007 13:53:09 PST
Adam, Norman, et al.

The reason I take my pots of Sprekelia out of the weather during the winter is because of the unremitting rain we get in that season.  In the ground, it would be different -- the ground can absorb the water.  But, potted plants do not fare so well with the excessive water.  I don't actually take these plants in; I keep them outside, under a roof.  However, I am aware that Sprekelia formosissima can thrive in this climate when planted outdoors.

But, I am astonished that you can leave it outdoors in Chicago.  I lived in Chicago for a few yeas; there is nothing mild about Chicago's winters.

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