More precocious blooms

Jim McKenney
Sat, 06 Jan 2007 08:20:54 PST
I was up and about a little before sunrise this morning, and the temperature
outside was 62º F. It’s now about 11 A.M. here on the east coast, and the
temperature on the shady side of the house is 71º F; on the sunny side of
the house it’s so hot I had to come in and change into shorts. 

I’m planting lily bulbs today but thinking about tomatoes. 

Tecophilaea cyanocrocus opened at about 10 A.M. this morning, and Iris
unguicularis has opened a fresh flower this morning. The Crocus korolkowii
cultivar ‘Agalik” is also opening. The three of these grow near a west
facing wall which is very protected. Out in the open garden, Crocus imperati
has joined C. laevigatus. The outside of the flower of Crocus imperati is
much brighter yellow than ever before.

So many snowdrops have started to bloom that I guess we have to declare the
snowdrop season officially started. I never consider the very early forms of
Galanthus elwesii to be a part of the snowdrop season here – usually there
is a significant gap between them and the general run of snowdrops. But this
year there has yet to be a break.

Jim McKenney
Montgomery County, Maryland, USA, USDA zone 7, where three species of palm
have long grown outside year round in this garden: maybe I should find space
for more!

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