Wiki additions -- Massonia, Haemanthus, Dietes, Chamaescilla

Fri, 28 Dec 2007 11:31:10 PST
I too thouroughly enjoy all your work.Please,please keep up informing us of your progress.Really wonderful info and pictures.
Thank you,

> Message du 28/12/07 17:31
> De : "Mary Sue Ittner" 
> A :
> Copie à : 
> Objet : [pbs] Wiki additions -- Massonia, Haemanthus, Dietes, Chamaescilla
> Hi,
> I'm never sure if I should keep announcing wiki additions since I almost 
> never get any feedback to know if anyone does more than delete the post. So 
> perhaps people who care should write me privately and I could just have a 
> short list I could send an announcement to. I know some of the others who 
> add pictures have stopped telling people about their additions for the same 
> reason.
> I just added some more Massonia pictures to the wiki. I also looked up the 
> key in the Cape Encyclopedia and see that it is the stamens that are the 
> distinguishing factors in telling the species apart. Massonia depressa has 
> anthers that are more than 2mm. M. pygmaea besides being smaller has 
> filaments of two lengths. Massonia pustulata has filaments longer than 10 
> mm (to 24mm.) and Massonia echinata 10 mm or less. So it looks like you 
> need to measure to be sure of what you have. I went out and looked at my M. 
> depressa and the anthers really are bigger. You can't see these subtle 
> differences in pictures. Photos added: Massonia depressa from Cameron 
> McMaster, Massonia echinata from Alan Horstmann (an unusual color) and 
> pustulate, Massonia jasminiflora from me and now blooming, Massonia 
> pustulata being pollinated (sorry these pictures aren't clearer, I had very 
> little time to get a tripod or even be sure of my settings, but was 
> fascinated watching the pollinator go from anther to anther), Massonia 
> pustulata from Cameron, and finally Massonia pygmaea from Alan.
> I also added a few more Haemanthus pictures a couple of days ago. The first 
> is of a hybrid I believe. Doug Westfall sent me seed of H. albiflos and one 
> of the seedlings was distinctly different.
> And I added pictures of H. pauculifolius now blooming for awhile in my 
> greenhouse. I obtained this from Telos a number of years ago, but this is 
> the first time it has bloomed and I quite like it.
> I also added a picture of an additional Dietes species that we saw in the 
> Royal Botanical Gardens in Sydney. This species, Dietes robinsoniana, is 
> native to Cape Howe Island, an island off Australia. I added an additional 
> picture from Alan Horstmann of Dietes bicolor at the same time.
> Finally about a week ago I added a wiki page for Chamaescilla
> This is an Australian genus with blue flowers. It's a charming little plant 
> we saw a number of times when we visited in September. It is not in the 
> Hyacinth family, but in the Anthericaceae family along with some other 
> Australian plants with the unusual root system that annually grows tuberous 
> roots from a cormlike stem. This family has been included in Agavaceae or 
> optionally Asparagaceae by APG II. Since Hyacinthaceae is also optionally 
> included in Asparagaceae that is one way genera with blue flowers that have 
> scilla in the name can be together.
> Mary Sue
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