Midwest Lycoris

James Waddick jwaddick@kc.rr.com
Sun, 05 Aug 2007 10:48:33 PDT
Dear all;
	A year ago, on Aug 4 06 I wrote :

	"The notes about bloom remind me about our brutal hot dry 
summer. I have three Lycoris in bloom"

	I could practically repeat the entire message  and add to it. 
Our late extreme freezes killed all the still growing Lycoris foliage 
well before it was ready to go dormant*. I was wondering if ANY might 
have the energy to bloom. Although we have had a hot dry summer, it 
isn't nearly last year's drought.

	L. squamigera in shade are bloom nicely if unevenly -some 
stalks done, others just appearing.

	Of species and cvs are extremely spotty- on here, one there 
and very few with multiple stems- L.chinensis, L. longituba, some 
hybrids. I will guess that like last year, when we get a good soaking 
rain we'll have a much better show.

	I'll report good news as it appears.		Best	Jim W.

* As a side note, the same went for my single Ungernia bulb, The 
foliage is even more succulent and it melted in April freezes. I was 
hoping that it might bloom this year.. waiting.
Dr. James W. Waddick
8871 NW Brostrom Rd.
Kansas City Missouri 64152-2711
Ph.    816-746-1949
Zone 5 Record low -23F
	Summer 100F +

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