Neomarica caerulea 'Regina'

David Ehrlich
Fri, 17 Nov 2006 10:35:42 PST
James Waddick asked whether anyone on PBS grow and flower this with success.

I do not have ‘Regina’ – I have the ordinary 3’-leaf variety.  I’ve been growing it in a large pot for many years, so I don’t know what mix I used when potting it originally.  It has been happily producing abundantly flowered scapes every summer.  It gets morning sun, but I've read that it's a forest plant, so I’m going to try moving it to a shadier position this year.  I give it a very dilute solution of fertilizer with micronutrients every watering.  For micronutrients, I use Dr. Earth Micronutrient Plant Food – the directions indicate how much to use monthly; I divided that recommendation by 30, and use it every watering, which in the summer can be every two days or even every day.  Be advised: snails love it.

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